Coach Child Safety

To ensure all Calisthenics Victoria Coaches are embedding Child Safety into their coaching, it is important that Child Safety Policies and Procedures are the starting point to help manage Child Safeguarding.

Clubs are required to have these Policies and Procedures in place, making it easily accessible for ALL coaches to be made aware of, read through each policy and procedure, asked questions if unsure and importantly know the consequences if a coach has breached a policy.

Calisthenics Victoria requires ALL coaches to have a clear-understanding and appropriate training to be taken regarding what is and is not acceptable within a Calisthenics Environment. How one performer responds will be different to another performer, so we need to ensure that ALL coaches can be sufficiently supported to protect themselves, their reputation and the Calisthenics Club. Clubs can feel secure with the knowledge that they are doing everything they can to protect their members and volunteers.

As part of the new Child Safety Standards, Coaches are required to complete a Child Safety PD each year.


VicSport Modules

VicSport have created some online training modules that coaches can complete - there are 11 modules in total, 1 for each standard. 

About the modules

Link to Modules

Coaches will need to create an account prior to completing the modules. 


SIA Child Safeguarding

These courses can be located at the following link 

SIA Child Safeguarding


Once you have completed a module please send record through to Iolanda at so we can record your PD.